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- A Process Improvement technique: Plan Do Check Act
Filter Navigator - System Diagnostics - An entire application in ServiceNow to look for root causes of performance issues.
- Stats
ServiceNow Performance Home Page
ServiceNow Performance Home Page - Why would the chart only have data since July 11th? \\
- Transition Log by Response Time and other values. Sort “Descending” to see the worst offenders.
Transaction Log
- Diagnostics Page
System Diagnostics page
- Articles
https://support.servicenow.com/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0517241 Troubleshooting Slow Performance
https://support.servicenow.com/kb?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0517282 Troubleshooting General Performance
Issues on all Applications
Gathering Stats.do and Threads.do
Page Data
Platform Performance page. Very useful.
- Takeaway
Performance Analytics (PA) is a system for analyzing data to help with process visibility and improvement. PA takes a “snapshot” of data each and every day (using a scheduled job). This gives a better understanding of the history of each record. Also, unlike regular reports, PA involves the establishments of Targets and Thresholds and can help Forecast future performance. The line between reporting and analytics is not always clear, but generally speaking, reporting shows current state and analytics shows trends. When implementing Performance Analytics you define Indicators/KPIs/Metrics (what to measure, and how often to measure) and Breakdowns (grouping variables), then you collect data in Scores tables, then visualize the Scores and Trends on a Dashboard. “Analytics Solutions”, also known as “Content Packs” are pre-packaged bundles of best practice KPIs, Widgets, Dashboards, and other supporting content to support various Processes.
- Modules
Performance Analytics - Analytics Hub Performance Analytics - Dashboards Performance Analytics - Data Collector - Jobs - New Performance Analytics - Data Collector - Job Logs Performance Analytics - Sources - Indicator Sources Performance Analytics - Indicators - Automated Indicators Performance Analytics - Indicators - Thresholds Performance Analytics - Breakdowns - Create New Reports - Administration - Report Sources \\
- Plugins
com.snc.pa.premium - Needed for use with Custom Applications \\
- Roles
dashboard_admin - Can edit and manage users, groups and roles for Any dashboard. pa_admin / pa_power_user - Can manage users, groups, and roles on dashboards to which they have Edit permission. pa_data_collector - Can create Indicator Sources. pa_target_admin - Can create Global Targets. pa_threshold_admin - Can create Global Thresholds. pa_viewer - Can create, edit, and delete their own dashboards. Can create Personal Targets and Thresholds. \\
- Performance Analytics is a tool for analyzing data over time, rather than reporting against only a point in time.
- Performance Analytics is an information presentation tool which helps identify bottlenecks, and improve the efficiency of your processes and services.
- PA is for Business Process Performance Management. It delivers real-time insight into business performance. It helps reduce the cost of service delivery.
- Theoretically you can optimize staffing levels every day so you can respond faster to requests, across all lines of business.
- Performance Analytics ships with pre-configured dashboards and KPIs tailored to support a variety of processes.
- Operational Reporting often looks only at the current state of a record, and does not fully grasp the history of each individual record, such as how long it sat in one assignment group before being transferred to the current assignment group.
- PA takes a “snapshot” of data each and every day (using a scheduled job). This gives a better understanding of the history of each record.
- PA helps track performance against Targets, alerts when Thresholds are met, helps Forecast future performance, and helps compare performance at different points in time.
- The line between reporting and analytics is not always clear. Generally speaking, reporting shows current state and analytics shows trends.
- PA System Tables are known as Scores Tables. Analytics are often used to predict future outcomes or to improve processes.
- All ServiceNow instances are provisioned with an unlicensed version of Performance Analytics. This version has configuration limitations, such as a limitation to not preserve Scores for longer than 180 days.
- A license is required to enable the complete set of Performance Analytics features.
- When implementing Performance Analytics define indicators (what to measure) and breakdowns (more in depth analysis), then collect scores, then visualize the scores and trends.
- PA should be built into an App starting from the data model design. Avoid string fields. Be sure fields needed for analytics are mandatory.
- Common pitfalls (without PA):
Measuring everything.
Displaying values without the context of Time or operational targets.
Metrics hidden in PowerPoint decks.
Dashboards overloaded with content but failing to provide useful decision-making guidance.
- Analytics Hub
- An exploratory view of an Indicator, used for more detailed analysis. It lets you see trends, predictions, breakdowns, and the associated records for one specific Indicator. Involves statistics, forecasting, and comparison.
- To see indicators in the Analytics Hub, the indicator must be Published.
- Use the Compare tab to compare the scores of an Indicator from two measurement periods.
- You can manually add comments to a chart to call out important features.
- Analytics Hub replaced “Scorecards” starting with the Madrid release of ServiceNow.
- Breakdown
- A grouping of a particular Indicator, with respect to another variable. For example, Open Incidents may be broken down by Priority; or by Assignment Group. Allows you to view data by a specific attribute.
- Content Packs:
- Out of the Box Analytics solutions are provided as Content Pack plugins.
- “Analytics Solutions”, also known as “Content Packs” are pre-packaged bundles of best practice KPIs, Widgets, Dashboards, and other supporting content. They are available for many ServiceNow Applications to help you get started quickly. A list is available here: Out of the Box PA Solutions
- Deployment Steps:
1) Activate Analytics Solution / Content Pack 2) Validate Indicator and Breakdown Sources 3) Configure and Run Collection 4) Configure Dashboard Permissions and View Dashboards \\
- Data Architecture / Data Layer
1) Indicator Source - Example: Name: NeedIt.ThisMonth Table OR Report Source: NeedIt OR Active NeedIt Requests Valid For Frequency: Monthly Conditions: When Needed ON This Month
- Defines a Filtered set of records, collected at a regular Frequency. - Specifies a set of records from a table with a common characteristic, such as Priority = Critical.
- Include a date-related filter also, such as “Opened on Today” or “Closed on This month”.
- Performance Analytics - Sources - Indicator Sources
2) Indicator / Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) / Metric - Example: Name: NeedIt Due Monthly Frequency: Monthly Direction: None Unit: # (count) Indicator Source: NeedIt.ThisMonth - Defines "What to Measure" and "How Often" to measure (but not the set of records to measure from).
- Defines a specific measurement, you can count or calculate, to assess process performance. Example: Number of open incidents. - Types:
- Properties:
3) Data Collector
Name: NeedIt Daily
Relative Start: 1 Relative Start Interval: Days Ago Collect: Scores Only Time: 1:00 AM Indicators: NeedIt: Due Monthly
- Scheduled Job that collects data from an Indicator Source (specified indirectly by an Indicator)
- Quirk:
To run a Data Collector on the last day of every month, create a monthly execution set to run on day 31. It will automatically run on the last day of the month, even for months with fewer than 31 days.
- Tip: Create an Admin user with the “Web service access only” setting selected. This setting does not allow the user to log into the ServiceNow user interface. Use this user to run the Data Collector. (Not sure why this is a good idea.)
- An Indicator may be added to a Data Collector at any time. The data collector collects new indicators beginning with the next collection period.
- A Historical Data Collector may be defined to collect data for existing (old) records. Run Historical Data collection when PA is first setup for an Application, Indicators Sources are created, or Indicators are created.
4) Breakdown Source - A set of records from a table or database view.
- Defines the list of breakdown elements a Breakdown contains. - Collects unique values from a filtered set of records. - Multiple Breakdowns can use the same Breakdown source. - Appears to consist of both an Indicator on a Table, and a particular Field. - Bucket Group
5) Breakdown
Name: NeedIt Request Type
Indicator: NeedIt Due Monthly Field: Request Type
- Filters or groups Indicator Scores for detailed analysis. - Can be used for multiple indicators, based on different facts tables. - A Country breakdown could be used for indicators from the incident, change, and earthquake fact tables.
- Dashboards
- Use both PA and Reporting widgets to build a comprehensive picture of your business process health.
- You can create widgets from scratch in just a few minutes because there are existing indicators in the system that you can select as your starting point.
- Tip: Create a dashboard for each Application Persona.
- Data Collector
- The engine that takes periodic snapshots of your process tables and stores those snapshots in the Scores and Snapshots tables for later analysis.
- Forecast
- When viewing a chart in Analytics Hub, if the user clicks the Forecast button, but no Forecast is defined in the indicator record, Analytics Hub will apply an Auto Forecast for the indicator.
- License
- Create indicators, breakdowns, and other records
- Create interactive filters and use interactive analysis
- Create text analytics widgets
- Use Performance Analytics with external data
- Preserve scores beyond 180 days
- Personas typically interested in PA:
- Executives
- Score
- Targets
- Thresholds
- A job role I should consider targeting.
- A Senior Leader with overall accountability for the Now Platform.
- Takeaway - A Plugin is a ServiceNow software component that may be optionally activated. Keeping unnecessary Plugins turned off reduces menu clutter and improves system performance. Some Plugins require a paid Subscription before activation. Many Plugins include Demo Data. Tables
sys_plugins (Use this) v_plugin
- Modules - System Definition - Plugins - A “Plugin” is a software component (disabled by default) that provides additional, optional, features and functions within a ServiceNow instance. - By NOT having plugins turned on, you reduce the complexity of the system. You will have fewer menu items, for example. And performance will be better. - Note however, you can hide enabled items by making them Not Active or by removing all Roles (except system administrator). - If a Plugin does not show up under System Definition - Plugins - All Applications, it may require activation by ServiceNow personnel. - Some Plugins require a paid Subscription before activation. Contact your ServiceNow account manager. - Demo Data - Many plugins include Demo Data; these are sample records that are designed to illustrate plugin features for common use cases. - Demo data should be loaded only in Development or Test instances. - It sounds like the v_plugin table only lists plugins which are “self-service”; I think that means those which you can activate yourself with no help from ServiceNow… And the sys_plugins table is the more reliable table to see what is actually installed and activated. (I did notice that both tables contain some unique values however, so I guess to be 100% comprehensive, you would need to check both tables. The “All Applications” module seems to be just another UI into the v_plugin table. However, unfortunately, the terminology used in not consistent…
Installed == Active Not Installed == Inactive
- Activate Plugin - This is done from the ServiceNow Service Portal after you drill into a particular Instance.
-Banner Frame - A horizontal strip that appears at the top of every page and contains:
Left: Logo
Right: User Menu (with user's picture), Global Search, Help, Connect Chat, and System Settings. Impersonate User and Logout are available here. In the Search Bar, Boolean Operators such as AND & OR must be entered in ALL CAPS. Search Results are organized by “Group” and “Table” and include only records the logged in user has access to, by Role. The Search Results “Summary” on the right shows the number of record matches under each Group and Table. Underneath Help (question mark icon) the hamburger menu provides access to the User Guide and Product Documentation. - System Settings (Gear Icon) is where you can personalize any part of the system for yourself, without affecting other users. - Application Navigator / Filter Navigator - A vertical strip on the left that provides access to all Applications (“Application Menus”) and nested “Modules” available to the logged in user. An Application is really just a “Section” or “Category” or “Sub-Menu”. - Module Filter - The top search control. - Hidden Feature: Typing TableName.List or TableName.Form into the Filter Navigator is a shortcut to display the table in list or form view. This can be done even if no Module exists for the table in question. - Clicking the Star on the right side of any Module adds it to your favorites list. “Type-Ahead” is the name of the feature where a filter is applied instantly as you type, without the need for pressing the enter key. - Tabs - All Applications - Hidden Feature: Double Click the All Applications tab to quickly expand or collapse all modules displayed. - Favorites - Hidden Feature: You can add a Filtered list to Favorites by dragging the Breadcrumb listing to Favorites. - Hidden Feature: You can add an Individual record from a list to Favorites by opening Favorites and then dragging the record Number to the Favorites left panel space. - The Edit icon (bottom right of Favorites) allows you to change the name of your favorites. You can change colors as well. - Simply Drag and Drop items to re-order them. - History
- The navigator may be collapsed to the left, to free up screen space for the Content Frame. - Hidden Feature: You can hold down the Ctrl or Shift keys before clicking on a Module in the Filter Navigator. This will launch your selection in a new Tab or a new Window, respectively. - Content Frame - Main frame which displays context-sensitive content from Dashboards or Modules.
- Clicking on a Module displays its information in the Content frame. - List View. See “Lists” in this document for much more about lists displayed in the content frame.
- Takeaway - Predictive Intelligence (PI) is a subscription-based artificial intelligence solution in the Now platform. It learns from patterns in relatively large quantities of historical data records, becomming increasingly accurate in its predictive recommendations. Complicated to setup and requries at least 30,000 recoreds to work from. PI “Frameworks” allow predictions based on Classification (grouping), Similarity, and Clustering. “Coverage”, the % of records that a PI can make a prediction for, is inversely proportional to “Precision”, the % of predictions that are correct. A Solution Definition involves specifying a table containing the records you want a Prediction on, the Field you want to populate, the Input Fields you want the solution to consider, and a Filter condition to exclude irrelevant records. ServiceNow provides several Out-of-the-box Solutions for Incident, Knowledge, HR, Cases, and Event. Training is done by sending data to an external Training Server. The Training Server produces a Trained Model which may then be used (directly?) on the customer Instance. A Prediction Service may offer predictions as a service. - Personas:
System Administrator - Can implement and manage all aspects of PI. Application Administrator - ml_admin - Manages the PI Application. Report User - ml_report_user - Can view dashboards.
- Plugins:
- Modules:
Predictive Intelligence - Similarity - Solution Definitions Predictive Intelligence - Classification (?) - Solution Definitions Predictive Intelligence - Clustering - Solution Definitions Predictive Intelligence - Word Corpus
System Web Services - REST - REST API Explorer - Predictive Intelligence is an artificial intelligence solution embedded within the Now platform. - AI is the general concept of machines acting in a way that mimics human intelligence. Could involve communication or decision-making. - Learns from patterns in historical data, becoming increasingly accurate in its predictive recommendations. - AI Algorithms need to be trained over time, with large volumes of well-organized data. - There are several properties that you can configure for Predictive Intelligence. To see a complete list of properties, navigate to the System Properties table and filter records where the Package field is Predictive Intelligence. - PI does require a Subscription. - ServiceNow provides a REST API Explorer utility. - Each data center contains the following types of servers:
- Note: There seems to be quite a lot that can go wrong with Predictive Intelligence, and you need large data sets. Also, there are a number of moving parts. I can see this being quite difficult to setup, to debug, and to maintain. - PI is not supported if you are using “Edge Encryption”. - API
- To view the complete list of scripts for PI, navigate to System Definition > Script Includes and apply the following filter condition: Package | is | Predictive Intelligence. - Commonly used script includes:
ML Predictor - To find and apply predictions on a table. - Get Predictions - Has Detailed Outcome - Detailed Outcome ML Solution Result - To look up ML solution results. - Get Cluster Info - Get Cluster Assignments
REST API Methods:
Prediction (GET) - Predict an output field value using a specific solution. CancelSolutionTraining (GET) - Cancel request for training. GetRecordsForSolutionDefinition (GET) - Retrieve records meeting the filter conditions for a specific solution. CreateTrainingRequest (POST) - Initiate training request. Auto_train (POST) - Train default solutions. GetOOBSolutionDefinitions (GET) - Get a list of solution definitions that are out of box.
- Business Case: - Helps optimize resources and processes, improve customer satisfaction, decrease the amount of time it takes to resolve issues, and ensures energy is focused on innovation and high-value activities. - Helps reduce assignment error rates. - Helps reduce the number of required interactions by correctly assigning manual tasks and automating tasks when possible. - Helps fulfillers quickly find similar open issues and determine if escalation is required. - Class List
- A list generated by PI, of the possible values for a specific output field (based on a data set). - There is no limit to the number of classes that a Classification model can support.
- Coverage
- Frameworks
- Learn
To progressively improve performance on a specific task, using data, and without being explicitly reprogrammed.
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
- Precision
- Process for Implementing: - Tips for Success
1) Identify the problems you want to solve. 2) Determine if you have enough data from which PI can learn (30,000 to 300,000 historical records). Minimum # is 10,000 records. 3) Determine if your data is Correct. 4) Understand that PI is imperfect, and there needs to be a manual backup process. - Timeline: Day 1: - Clone production to sub-prod. - Install PI plugin on sub-prod. Day 2-10: - Create solution definition. - Train. - Validate / Tune Solution. Day 11-13: - Install PI Plugin on prod. - Create solution definition (from update sets) - Train - Validate / Tune Solution. - Set Training Frequency. Day 14: - Monitor Solution
- Solution Definition
- Solution / Trained Solution
- Out-of-box solutions that ServiceNow Provides: Application / Process Solution Definition Framework Type Description IT Service Management (Incident Management) Incident Assignment Classification Predicts the Assignment Group field based on the incident's Short Description
Incident Categorization Classification Predicts the Category field based on the incident's Short Description. Major Incident Detection Similarity - Recommends similar active Major Incidents which the current Incident can be linked to.
- Recommends similar Incidents to propose a Major Incident.
Similar Incidents (Major Incident Workbench) Similarity Recommends similar Incidents that are not linked as child incidents to a Major Incident. Similar Incidents Similarity Recommends similar Incidents to help with incident investigation and resolution process. Similar Open Incidents Similarity Recommends similar open Incidents to help with Incident investigation and resolution process. Similar Resolved Incidents Similarity Recommends similar resolved Incidents to help with Incident investigation and resolution process.
Knowledge Management Knowledge Similar Articles Similarity Suggests Related Articles based on Short Description, in two places: - Knowledge Results section on Knowledge Form when creating a Knowledge Article. - Related Articles section on article view page in the Service Portal and Mobile applications. HR Service Delivery HR Case Categorization Classification Predicts the HR Service from the Short Description and Description fields. Customer Service Management (CSM) Case Assignment Classification Predict the Assignment Group based on the Short Description.
Case Categorization Classification Predict the Category based on the Short Description. Case Prioritization Classification Predict the Priority based on the Short Description. All Similar Cases Similarity Recommends similar cases based on the Short Description. Recommended Open Cases Similarity Recommends similar open Cases based on the Short Description. Recommended Resolved Cases Similarity Recommends similar resolved Cases based on the Short Description. Major Issue Detector Similarity Recommends Major Issues based on Short Description. Also recommends one or more Major Cases, if available; otherwise recommends similar Cases that are not linked as child cases to a Major Case.
Event Management Closed Alert Similarity Similarity Recommends similar Alert records based on: Description, Node, Resource, CI, Source, Metric name. Results visible on the Alert form and on the Similar Alerts tab in Workspace.
- Solution Types: - Classification Solution
- Class
1) Choose a Word Corpus
2) Specify the table and fields you want to cluster as well as how they should be grouped. 3) Define the target solution Coverage, as well as the minimum number of records per cluster. 4) Train the Solution. - You can view the results of the clustering operation after you execute the Training operation. - A Cluster Visualization scatter plot chart shows the top 50 clusters and their records. - Similarity Solution Steps to create: 1) Choose a Word Corpus 2) Select 2 tables to compare. 3) Select a re-training frequency and refresh frequency. - A refresh frequency allows new records since the last refresh to be added to the Similarity comparison. 4) Train the Solution. - You can review the results of each comparison that has taken place. - You can also test the solution on arbitrary input directly on the Test Solution tab by hitting the Run Test button.
- Solution Template
- Training
- Training allows a Model to see the “correct answers”, because you are pointing it to completed, correct, records. This allows it to figure out a method for predicting missing data on future records. - Training can take a few hours. - All artifacts (solution definition and historical records) are packaged into an update set (CSV files) and exported to the nearest Training Server at a ServiceNow data center. When training is complete, the server removes all customer data and sends the Trained Model back to the customer instance. - When a solution definition is scheduled to train on an interval, the new solution automatically goes live when the results are returned. Older versions are set to inactive, but can be reactivated later if needed. - Word Corpus - A collection of words and phrases that functions as the vocabulary (dictionary) the system uses to compare records based on their textual similarity. - Provide context to various words used in records. - Necessary before creating a Similarity Solution. Also used in Clustering solutions. - To build a Word Corpus, select the Tables, input fields, and data sets (using filters).
- Principles / Geoff's Principles - Visibility - Visibility into anything you are working with is always very important. Examples:
- It's so important to SEE what is going on, and what context you are in when writing or maintaining code.
This means sitting down and typing lines of code, testing, modifying, and so on, until you have built something that works, in the traditional manner. It's like baking from scratch. It may be a good approach when you are building something very new or innovative. It's generally expensive and time-consuming.
- Allows you to group multiple incidents together and find the root-cause. You can also link a Problem to a CI or Business Service inside of a Change Request. A Dependency Views map shows upstream and downstream dependencies for a CI. A typical approach to analysis would be to create a task for each team responsible for the dependent objects. Communicate Workaround sends workaround instructions to all those users who reported incidents attached to the problem record. If a problem is linked to a Change Request, and the change request is completed successfully, the problem and all associated incidents will also be marked as Resolved.
Process Automation - Enterprise Level Product Bundle Required! - Part of ITSM. Enterprise Level. - Based on the Sys Log. - Can operate on anything that is based on the TASK table. - Accessed via the “Analyst Workbench”? - Shows how many tickets have historically moved from one state to another.
- A potential project starts with an Idea. The Idea is managed in the Ideation module. It is vetted and promoted into a Demand, where the business case is built out. Demands are prioritized and after approval a Demand becomes a full-fledged Project. - Project Controls include Risks, Issues, Changes, and Status Reporting. - The Project Management app tracks Tasks, Milestone, and Timelines, with the goal of completing projects on time and within budget. - The Project Management and Resource Management apps give you a comprehensive view of project progression and where resources are being utilized. - Resource Management - The Resource Management App provides Transparency into requested and allocated resources and forecasted and actual Labor Costs.
Provides a simplified, team-oriented approach to Project Portfolio Management and IT development. It includes the following individual applications: - Demand Management - An application used for gathering and assessing ideas and promoting accepted ideas to strategic and operational demands. - Project Management - A suite of tools used to manage projects, task, and resources. - Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - An application used for managing the software development and release process. - Test Management - An application that provides tools for manual software testing. - Resource Management - An application that enables resource requesters to create resource plans and request resources.
- Used to safeguard intellectual property by making logic read-only or invisible. - Only applies when an application is installed from the ServiceNow App Store. - May be applied to UI Actions or Script Includes. - “Protected” means Not Viewable.
- Generally everything is available via the Platform UI; and Studio is NOT required.
- May need Studio for Source Control?? - Roles can contain other roles. hasRoleExactly means that they have the role assigned Directly, not via inheritance. - The “maint” role is used for maintenance, and is only available to ServiceNow employees.